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Be there

Do you want to know what to say or how to ‘be there’ for a loved one, a friend or even a stranger who is in an unhealthy, toxic or abusive relationship?

Be there is a free app that gives you direct access to tools that empower, educate & support you to help someone who is experiencing domestic or family violence.

Our mission is to help eliminate domestic and family violence in whatever form it takes by supporting you, the bystander, to make what you’re witnessing your business and empower you to be someone who does something.

We give you access to tools that can validate any abusive behaviour you may see, hear or experience and help you navigate a safe way to support someone without making the situation worse or putting either of you in danger.

Be there


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Be there
הדירוג הממוצא הוא 4.5 מתוך 5
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